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Top 4 Photo Editing Apps & Tip For 2020

If you run a business online or you love beautiful esthetics, then this post is for you!

I get a lot of questions when it comes to how I edit my photos so I wanted to share some of my favorite editing apps, tips and tricks!

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Tip: it starts with the pictures

The right light can make or break a photo!

Natural light is obviously best. If your outdoors then your golden. Keep the sun facing you, not behind you. If your taking a selfie, do it at a slight angle so your phone doesn’t cast a shadow.

Speaking of shadows…pay attention to the shadows in your photos. Before you snap, move around to find the best position that eliminates or at least gives the least amount of shadowing as possible, especially if it’s on your face.

For your indoor photos or videos, you’ll want to position yourself right in front of a window in order to get that bright look. Even a selfie is best taken in front of a window or an open door, again with the phone at an angle, so you eliminate shadows.

Now let’s talk about dark spaces…my home has many!

Artificial light is a lifesaver. It is beautiful mixed with a little natural light coming in but it makes all the difference if you don’t have natural light coming into your space at all. In fact, having one artificial light in front of you and one to the side, is even better! It is an investment but I will share a few lights I have and use…when I am not in a rush…because let’s be real…I’m a busy mom of 4 and sometimes I just have to snap the photo and go, just like everyone else.

First light is a selfie ring light that goes right onto your phone. It’s easy to use anywhere you are. I started with this light because I didn’t want to spend to much money and I enjoyed using it for live video or a quick selfie.

Then I moved up to a 10’ Ring Light with Tripod. Honestly, this one is my favorite because it can hold your phone, has a remote control, multiple light settings and it’s cost effective.

Of course the ring light is a one of the most popular indoor lighting options for business owners and influencers. I was blessed with my ring light as a gift but I have heard great things about the DIVA Ring Light.

My top 4 editing apps

I am definitely a self taught photo editor and I don’t claim to be an expert, that’s why the apps I am about to share have become like my best friends!

  1. I have a few different apps that I have used and loved for editing my photos. The first one app I fell in love with was the VSCO app. This was the app I used most when I was first starting out. The app has changed a lot since then and now has more features as well as a paid option, but I use the unpaid version and it still provides you with a variety of presets and additional editing options so it’s still an incredible option. If you use this app, I suggest moving your favorite presets to the front and using them every time you edit. This will help you create that cohesive look on your account. It takes time but play with it, find the one you love and be consist.

  2. My # 1 go to right now is the Lightroom app. This app is the mobil version of Adobe Photoshop. It has all the exiting options you’ll need, with the ability to save your own presets as well as add presets that you have already purchased. Creating your own preset may take time but in the long run it will save you a ton of time and frustration. Again, it helps you create that cohesive look you’re going for.

Now let’s talk about my two favorite apps for adding those additional touches to your photos.

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  1. Canva is my go to app for creating any kind of design. Like most apps, it has a free and paid subscription. I am currently using the free version and it still has an insane amount of options. However, the paid version allows you to create your own business branding and so much more. Definitely something worth giving a try.

  2. Facetune this is the app I use if I need to remove something from a photo. This app allows you to whiten your photo, remove red eye, smooth and detail any part of your photo. I don’t use it often anymore, but it definitely comes in handy when you have a red eye or something in a photo that the other apps haven’t been able to get to your liking.

If you’d like more information on how to use these apps, or if a visual step by step editing tutorial would truly help, let me know in the comment section below.

If this was helpful, share it on your social and be sure to click like.

With Love & His Spark,


  1. Hannah says:

    Great tips! I need help in this area. Thanks for sharing!

    • Lisa Medina says:

      Thank you for reading and responding Hannah❤️ I am happy to hear this post was helpful. Are there any specific topics you would like me to share more on? Any questions I could maybe answer in a post?

  2. Emma says:

    I love Lightroom but it’s good to hear about some others too as it’s not always easy picking one to use

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