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How to create a unique basket wall the inexpensive way

Where I find my baskets

This is probably the number one question I am asked when I share photos of my home! Where do you find all of your baskets?

You might be surprised at the answer, so today, I am spilling the beans and giving you all of my tips for finding and creating a basket wall you will fall in love with!


The first place I look…Thrift stores! Goodwill and Salvation Army are also good places to look but I have found that one off thrift stores are the BEST place to find baskets on a budget. I have found some of the most unique and beautiful baskets this way.

All thrift stores are not created equal so pay attention. If you walk in and their prices are high, walk right back out. My top tip for true thrifting….look for your local Christian based thrift stores! They always seem to have the best prices and you are usually supporting a great cause by shopping there! WIN – WIN!

Another tip: Use coupons (look online and on the stores app) and look for sales if you are buying brand new baskets.

I look for baskets that pop out at me and are priced cheap! Depending on the size, I am looking for smaller baskets under a dollar and larger baskets less then $3 – $5.

I love finding baskets that are very unique but those simple classic baskets are also a staple in most of my basket walls.

Be sure to look for quality over quantity and for the most part, keep them round! Round baskets create a great foundation to build on and help your more unique baskets pop. Just my opinion but I have found if you have to many highly decorative or unique shaped baskets, it can start to look a little busy.

Again, my opinion but you do you boo! We all have different styles and I think that is what makes this project so fun! Seeing the creative ways people put these together is one of my favorite parts.


If you already have a basket wall or this post inspires you to make one, comment below and let me know. I would LOVE to see a photo for wall and I would love to share you in my Instagram Stories as well! Just send me a DM there!

What to look for

Before you go on the hunt, ask yourself these questions.

  1. What kind of basket wall do I want?

  2. Where will I put this basket wall in my home?

  3. Is there a certain style I am trying to achieve?

  4. Do I want a mixture of styles, sizes and colors?

  5. How much am I willing to spend?


Answering these 5 questions should help you stay on track and not overspend. Trust me on this. It is easy to go overboard on baskets! Just ask my husband! LOL

If you are not 100% sure what the answers to the questions above are for you, start looking for inspiration. I have shared a few photos for you here but Pinterest is always a great place to look as well. You can start with my board “Basket Wall Decor” and go from there.

Creating the Basket Wall


Once you have your baskets, it’s time to create!

  1. Lay your baskets out on the floor. This will give you a visual idea of how the baskets will look before you start poking holes in your wall.

  2. Decide if you want your baskets spread apart or layered closer together. Layering, using different size baskets, with different heights to them, will add dimension and give a completely different feel than spreading your baskets apart. I suggest you play around with both options to see which one you fall in love with.

  3. The rule of three…I have found that choosing three baskets that work well together helps me get started, especially when layering. Once you find your first set of three, look for the second set and connect the two together, continuing this process until you get the look you want.

  4. End with an Odd number. Start with the rule of three in order to create the base look, but I have found that adding that one additional basket at the end, is the finishing touch that my basket walls need.

Here are a few layouts for INSPO but agin, spacing your baskets also look great!

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I usually use thin nails to hang my baskets. I have found that the best way to make sure the basket hangs the way you want it to, is to put the nail in the basket first, place it on the wall where you want it and then hammer them in.

Choosing a basket to start with is key. I suggest finding the space on the wall that you would like your top, middle or bottom basket to be, nail that basket in first and build from there.

Building one basket at a time, from your already laid out design should keep you from poking extra holes in the wall but don’t be afraid to move a few if you step back and aren’t in love with it yet. Once you step back and love what you see, you have built the perfect basket wall! That’s it.

Happy Basket hunting friend!

Again, if you already have a basket wall or this post inspires you to make one, comment below and let me know. I would LOVE to see a photo for wall and I would love to share you in my Instagram Stories as well! Just send me a DM there!

With Love,

Lisa Faye

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