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Barista Style Cashew Coconut Oat Milk

It’s no secret, I’m a huge coffee lover. I love me some cappuccinos and lattes but the milk is what makes them so good. The problem is, although I love regular milk, it doesn’t love me back.

I’m not lactose intolerant but, I do have major sinus and allergy issues, and using dairy products makes them worse.. That’s why I started to look for milk alternatives.

I don’t mess with soymilk because I’ve heard it can mess with females hormones and ain’t nobody got time for dat!

I can use almond milk cold but I am not a fan of the taste it has when it’s steamed.


My introduction to OAT MILK

About a year ago, I walked into one of our favorite coffee shops in downtown Columbia South Carolina. When I was talking to the barista about my issues with almond milk, she happily asked me if I had ever tried oat milk. That was the first time I had even heard of it! I told her I was absolutely willing to try it and I was hooked from the very first sip!

Now I see Oat Milk everywhere but Oatley is the brand I prefer. There’s something about the taste and the way that it froths that seems better than the rest. The problem is, every time I go to the store lately, they are out!

In a way, I’m happy my store has been out because I’ve wanted to try making my own but never went for it. I finally looked up some recipes and wanted to share them with you but stay tuned because I’m going to be trying a few more that I came up with on my own! I just haven’t made them yet!


The first recipe I found was from Real and Vibrant. Link for the recipe here. https://realandvibrant.com/oat-milk/

I think this recipe is delicious and I loved that it was super simple. The only problem I had, was the fact that it didn’t steam or froth well for my coffee.

I would recommend this recipe if you are looking to keeping it simple and use it to drink or in cereal.

Barista Style Oatmilk.png

The journey to the perfect froth!

The next one, has a lot more ingredients but it definitely froths beautifully! I found it on Minimalist Baker. Their link is below but I’ve also added their recipe here with a video as well!

This milk is tasty but the more I use it, the more I want to try creating my own recipe.

I’m not a huge fan of sweaters in my milk or coffee and I feel like less steps would help me stick to making it each week. It would also be cheaper.

Until I come up with another option, I suggest if you are like me and enjoy a pure milk taste without all the extra sweetener, try illuminate the medjool date or maple syrup.

bArista style ~ Cashew COCONUT OAT MILK

Ingredients From: Minimalist Baker

  • 3/4 cup raw cashews (raw is best)

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes (we like the large flakes, but small is okay, too)

  • 1/4 cup rolled oats (not steel cut, gluten-free certified as needed)

  • 1 medjool date, pitted (or sub maple syrup or stevia to taste)

  • 1 pinch sea salt

  • 3 cups filtered water (or highest quality water possible)


  1. Soak cashews (uncovered) in very hot water for 30 minutes, or in cool water for 6 hours or overnight (be sure not to soak longer than 8 hours or the cashews can get too soft).

  2. Drain and rinse cashews, then add to a high-speed blenderwith coconut flakes, rolled oats, date, salt, and filtered water. For this recipe (as written) we recommend starting with 3 cups (720 ml) water for a richer, creamier milk. If you prefer slightly thinner milk, add up to 4 cups (960 ml) total.

  3. Top blender with lid, cover with a towel to ensure it doesn’t spill over, and blend on high for 60 seconds.

  4. Place a nut milk bag (or thin, clean dish towel or t-shirt) over a large mixing bowl and pour the milk over it. Then strain, squeezing really well until mostly pulp is left — this may take a few minutes.

  5. At this point the milk is ready to enjoy as is, or it can be refrigerated up to 4-5 days (sometimes — you’ll know if it’s still fresh by the smell).

  6. This blend is perfect for frothing / heating, or used cold as a thick milk or “creamer” for hot or iced coffee or matcha! We haven’t tested freezing it, but suspect it would work, though it’s always best when fresh.

What I did a little differently

  1. The price for medjool dates were kindof high so I substituted mine with maple syrup

  2. I didn’t have a milk But but bag either so I used cheesecloth that I bought from Walmart. I did have to strain it twice so I’ll be shopping for a milk but bag soon!

  3. I later realized the coconut flakes I bought were sweetened even though they said they weren’t, so that may have added to the taste I’m not enjoying. So double check your ingredients.

If you’re a visual learner like me, watch my video step by step below.

PS: My husband was my hand model! He’s the best!

I hope you enjoy this recipe.

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With LOve & His Spark,



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"From the moment we found Lisa, we felt at ease, less stressed, inspired and excited..."